My sweet Marcus is all boy when it comes to shootin' stuff... He is one of the most sensitive boys I know and then, you put a gun or bow in his hand. BOOM! Must Destroy stuff. I love it. I have never allowed guns in the home (including the water variety) and last year for Christmas my dad gave Matt a BB Gun. I was fine with it. And Matt is quite respectful, always asking before getting the BB Gun out and puts it up where the little kids can't and won't go.
Marcus is excited to now qualify to shoot the big brother's gun. He is so excited to get his wolf patch. He has done almost all the requirements. He will have it done by the time he goes back to school. He really looks up to his older brother who will be an Eagle Scout within the next year. He loves Matt's Cub Scout shirt which is covered in awards and segments for participation in Den and Pack Activities.
We have such a great group of boys in the Cub Den. I love my boys. They come from families who are teaching respect and kindness and responsibility (with a few exceptions. :-)) This was evident to me at Camp as I watched them interact with other boys. I really love the Scouting program.
Nee Deep was fun for Peyton as well. They had a Critter Coral for siblings 3-6. They made an exception for her since she will be three soon and she is fully potty trained. She loved Katie Johnson, the little 10 year old helper.
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